Professional Emails
Professional Email

Professional Business Email

A professional email address using your domain name makes it easy for customers to look up your company and your website for more information.

A professional or business email also contributes heavily to reassuring them that you are a legitimate and established business and engenders trust.

It’s a great marketing asset too – any email you send, or any time you leave your contact details with someone, you’re also giving them an easy link to your website.

5 reasons to use a professional email address.

How to Choose a Professional Email Address.

Email Essentials


  • 1 Email
  • 10 GB email storage
  • Domain-based email
  • Sync across all devices
  • Unmetered bandwidth

Business Plus


  • 1 Email
  • 50 GB email storage
  • Domain-based email
  • Sync across all devices
  • Unmetered bandwidth

Business Pro


  • 1 Email
  • 50 GB email storage
  • Domain-based email
  • Sync across all devices
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • Microsoft® Office 365 suite
  • Online meetings, IM, and video chat